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The Nature of God: Who Is God and What Is God Like?

The Nature of God;


The question of who is God and the nature of God? has been asked and debated for centuries. To some, God is an all-powerful and all-knowing being who is the creator of the universe. To others, God is a spiritual force that exists in all life and connects us to each other and to the universe. No matter what your definition of God is, it can be difficult to answer the question of who or what God is clear.

In this article, we will explore the concept of God and seek to answer the question of who or what God is. We will discuss giving God human characteristics, where to find God, and ways to prove God’s existence. By the end, you should have a better understanding of who or what God is for you.

Giving God Human Characteristics

The concept of God has been around for centuries, but it has changed over time and has been interpreted differently by different cultures and religions. Humans often give God human characteristics, such as having emotions, a gender, a physical form, or a personality. These characteristics are often based on our own experiences in life and our cultural background.

Where do these human characteristics come from? Most of them come from ancient texts like the Bible or religious stories and myths passed down through generations. Other characteristics may come from personal experiences or observations about the world around us.

How does this affect your understanding of who is God? We tend to think of God in terms that are familiar to us, so our understanding of who or what God is can be shaped by our beliefs and experiences. Knowing this can help you be more objective when thinking about God and exploring your beliefs.

Sadhguru puts it clearly when he says it is natural to imagine God as a larger version of ourselves. If we are born as cows, we may look around and imagine God as a huge version of ourselves.

God to me is literally everything. He/She is everything we see and can’t see. Physically It is the current of electricity and the atoms moving around creating the shapes of things in this worldly realm. That is how He can say He knows when one blade of grass stirs. He is also the energy that creates that blade of grass. Metaphysically He is the consciousness in everything. There is no gender though He/She/It can manifest as anything and does. He is the consciousness of everything. He does not judge. But we do. Constantly. It wants us to experience life and to create a satisfying life experience growing as we do. Our growth adds to Her growth and expansion. He is us and there is no separation unless we think there is. He is our co-pilot enjoying life’s ride with us, except He is sitting in the same seat we are. This life is a co-creation using the power of our thoughts. He created all of us and this to experience life through us. She created us out of love. A love of life. He loves us all.

And if you need proof He as intelligent consciousness, and intelligence and awareness that we as mere mortals can only attempt to understand a tiny bit of His enormity, just go look down and watch an ant at work. Ants are amazing pieces of work. And they are tied into the entirety of the universe.

Look in the mirror. Who thought it would be a good idea to give you two eyes in front of your face to appreciate this world? And shy only one nose to smell it all? And a head that can swivel around? And hands that at the very least have opposing thumbs? Wow. How smart is that?

Coincidence? She also gave us a sense of humor.

How to communicate with God

When trying to answer the question of who or what God is, it can be helpful to look for evidence in different places. Here are some places you can look:

In the holy books through time. From and before the Greeks, and before the Bible. The Bible is one of the most important sources when looking for evidence of who or what God is. It contains stories about creation and many other aspects of faith. It can be a great place to start your exploration if you come from a Judeo-Christian background. But it is often misinterpreted and there is evidence it has been altered by among others, and organized religion. I can also suggest other holy books from other faiths.

There are metaphysical Bible dictionaries. This can offer a new way to view the Bible and interpret it in a way that can answer questions.

Look at books from different viewpoints of God. From the Dead Sea Scrolls to the well-known spiritual philosophers, sages, and spiritual explorers. There is a wealth of info on YouTube and Tiktok that shows a rainbow of varying ideas on who is God.

In Nature: Nature can also provide clues about who or what God is. For example, if you believe that nature is a reflection of divine power, then looking at nature can help you find evidence for your beliefs. When nature is studied, the idea that all this was created by accident and coincidence is preposterous.

Science can prove God exists. The more I learn from science the more proof it is that there is some magnificent power that created all this. Science can explain how something happens sometimes. It shows what water is made of. But it can not answer when it was created, where the ingredients came from, and what made those ingredients combine. For example, let’s see the smartest university professor create dirt or water.

Nature of God In Other Religions: Exploring other religions can also help answer the question of who or what God is. You may discover similarities in beliefs between different faiths or gain new perspectives that shape your understanding of God. We hear different ideas about God from different cultures and societies. They share similarities and differences, but the similarities in the themes are surprising, even when the details seem so different.

For example, to me, the Native Americans have beliefs similar in ways to Buddhists in their appreciation of nature and non-belief in a central personification of God. No Santa Claus figures there.

Most importantly, look inside. Hear that little faint voice urging you in a positive direction. Learn to trust it. Neale Donald Walsh in Conversations with God says that it is so strange that we humans put so much stock in books that are thousands of years old and so little faith in our own hearts and the feelings we may feel.

Meditation. One possible use of meditation is it is said that it can help one communicate with God and the universe. I can say that I have experienced an awakening for a split second through meditation. For a split second, I realized that my body was made of the same material, the same as the wooden beam next to me. And Buddha can also testify to the powers of meditation.

The news – we all know the news is usually bad, and there is a commercial reason for that in that bad news and fear grabs more viewers. Same with Goddip. But if you keep your ears open you will hear stories that restore your faith. Stories of people risking themselves to help strangers.

Proof of God’s Existence

When seeking evidence for who or what God is, it can be helpful to examine logical arguments, the experiences of others, and your own experiences.

Logical Arguments: Logical arguments can be used to support a belief in the existence of a higher power. For example, some people argue that since the universe exists, there must be something that created it—and that something is likely to be whatever your definition of God is.

Experiences of Others: Many people have had experiences that they attribute to God or some higher power. Reading these stories can help you understand different perspectives on the concept of God and gain insight into how others perceive him/her/it.

Your Own Experience: Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide who or what God is based on your own experiences and beliefs and what makes sense to you – common sense.

Unfortunately, when it comes to God, common sense seems not so common.

You may find evidence for your beliefs through prayer, meditation, or other spiritual practices, but for me, He is inside.


At the end of this blog post, we hope that you have a better understanding of who or what God is for you. We’ve discussed giving God human characteristics, where to find evidence for him/her/it and ways to prove his/her/its existence. Ultimately it’s up to you to explore your beliefs and decide who or what god is for yourself.